Common childhood diseases during the rainy season should be taken with special caution.

During the rainy season each year, it is noticeable that children can easily get sick because the weather starts to get colder and more humid. In addition, there are many viruses that can make children sick. Common childhood diseases during this season are acute respiratory infections, mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever and encephalitis. If there is flooding, you will also see foot rot. Doctors will divide the diseases. That found as follows:
1. Acute respiratory infections can divide into:
- Upper respiratory tract infections such as colds, flu, strep throat, otitis media, sinusitis
- Lower respiratory tract infections such as bronchitis, tracheitis, acute laryngeal obstruction (CROUP) and asthma.
- The common cold and complications from the cold are common diseases, especially in young children because they do not yet have a good immune system. The rainy season is the season with many types of viruses. That can cause colds and can easily transmitted through the air. Most symptoms are runny nose, itchy eyes, sneezing, coughing, and may also have a sore throat, fever, headache, and loss of appetite. Most symptoms will improve in 5-7 days if there are no complications such as otitis media (ear pain) or sinusitis (headache) or bacterial infection. Which may be observed from the mucus changing from clear to greenish-yellow. Increase coughing, high fever for more than 3 days, or difficulty breathing. You should see a pediatrician to receive the correct treatment. Some people who get the flu will have severe symptoms that last longer than the common cold. In cases where the symptoms are not severe, you can take care of them at home by:
- Let the children rest
- Drink plenty of warm water.
- Take antipyretics (if you have a fever).
- Make sure to wear warm clothing if the weather is cold.
- It is not advisable to take a bath or wash your hair while you have a cold, especially for young children.
- For small children with a runny nose, it may be helpful to use a cotton swab dipped in saline solution to wipe the nose. Or if there is a lot of runny nose, you should put saline solution in the nasal cavity and use a red bulb to suck out the mucus. This should done before feeding and before bed. This will help the child to suckle and sleep better.
Pneumonia can cause by a viral and/or bacterial infection.
Most symptoms are similar to the flu but will start with faster breathing, high fever, and if it gets worse, the child will start to wheeze, have difficulty breathing, and have a flaring nostril or sunken ribs, and blue lips. If you start to see these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately.
Bronchitis and asthma usually start with a runny nose, low-grade fever, and a cough that may gradually increase until it is difficult to breathe in enough. Or if there is shortness of breath, there may be a wheezing sound, faster breathing, sunken ribs, and flaring nostrils. Mostly, if children are under 18 months old, the first symptoms of shortness of breath are usually from a viral infection or from swelling. Children who have chronic symptoms. That come and go until they grow up are called asthma. We must be careful because a common cold can also cause these children to have shortness of breath.
Sudden airway obstruction from inflammation of the larynx that spreads to the trachea (VIRAL CROUP). In the rainy season, there are some viruses that can cause this symptom. It is mostly seen in children age 3 months to 3 years and will come with symptoms of fever. barking cough (BARKING COUGH), starting to breathe loudly and using the neck muscles to breathe in (STRIDOR). Which will seen when the trachea starts to become blocked from increasing swelling. If you think your child may have this disease, you should take them to see a doctor immediately.
2. Dengue fever (DENGUE)
- Caused by the dengue virus, which comes from female Aedes mosquitoes that feed on human blood during the day. This type of mosquito lays eggs in places with stagnant water, so during the rainy season there are many of this type of mosquito. Symptoms can divide into:
- Dengue fever (DENGUE FEVER) which will have a high fever (39 – 40 degrees) for 2 – 7 days, headache, stomach pain around the epigastric region, neck and muscle pain and may have a red throat, vomiting and bleeding spots under the skin. Usually there is no runny nose or cough. This disease can heal on its own in 4 – 5 days if there are no complications.
- Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever has similar symptoms to dengue fever but there is more bleeding, especially on days 3 – 7 of the disease. Children will start to become lethargic, vomit more, have abdominal pain and liver enlargement. And if the disease is severe, blood pressure may be low and shock may occur. Therefore, if you suspect that your child has dengue fever, you should bring them for a physical examination and blood test to help with proper care and treatment.
- Some children may be infected with other viruses. That have similar symptoms to dengue fever, but the symptoms are milder and shorter. Prevention is to avoid mosquito bites, especially during the day, use mosquito repellents, and eliminate mosquito breeding sites where water can collect, which can help reduce the risk of contracting dengue fever.
3. Japanese Encephalitis
The mosquito is the carrier and the symptoms are high fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, headache and in 3-4 days will start to have neurological symptoms such as convulsions, lethargy and may cause death within 10 days. If not treated properly, there may be complications such as swelling and bladder inflammation.
4. Foot rot or foot fungus
Therefore, if you can avoid wading through water with bare feet or soaking your feet in water for สมัคร ufabet a long time, it will help prevent foot rot. If you have to wade through dirty water, you should wash your feet with clean water and dry them every time. As you can see, during the rainy season, there are diseases that can easily occur in children. Parents should therefore be especially careful and closely monitor symptoms.